DIView Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues while setting up DIView for your sim racing pedals, this troubleshooting guide will help you diagnose and resolve common problems. Follow these steps to troubleshoot and get your pedals working correctly.

Table of Contents

1. Pedals Not Detected

2. Calibration Issues

3. Software Crashes

4. Unresponsive Pedals

5. Profile Loading Errors

6. General Tips

1. Pedals Not Detected

Issue: DIView doesn't recognize your sim racing pedals.


1. Check USB Connection: Ensure that your pedals are correctly connected to a USB port on your PC.

2. Restart DIView: Close and relaunch DIView. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve detection issues.

3. Try Different USB Ports: Plug your pedals into different USB ports to see if they get recognized

2. Calibration Issues

Issue: Pedals are not calibrating accurately.


1. Recalibrate: Go to the "Calibrate" tab in DIView and carefully follow the calibration process. Pay attention to the instructions and provide input as required.

2. Check Pedal Mechanism: Inspect your sim racing pedals for any physical issues or wear and tear that may affect calibration.

3. Clean Pedals: Dust and debris can interfere with pedal sensors. Clean your pedals and sensors thoroughly.

4. Verify Software Settings: Ensure that you haven't accidentally adjusted sensitivity, deadzone, or linearity settings that affect calibration.

3. Software Crashes

Issue: DIView crashes or freezes during use.


1. Update DIView: Ensure you are using the latest version of DIView.

2. Check System Requirements: Verify that your PC meets the system requirements for DIView. If your system is below the requirements, you may experience stability issues.

3. Close Background Applications: Running resource-intensive applications in the background can lead to crashes. Close unnecessary programs while using DIView.

4. Disable Overlays: If you use overlay software (e.g., Discord overlay), disable it while using DIView, as it can cause conflicts.

4. Unresponsive Pedals

Issue: Pedals do not respond as expected in racing simulations.


1. Check Configuration: Review your pedal settings in DIView. Ensure sensitivity, deadzones, and linearity are set appropriately for your preferences and the specific game you're playing.

2. Game Configuration: Check the in-game settings for your racing simulation. Some games may override DIView settings, so adjust pedal settings within the game if necessary.

5. Profile Loading Errors

Issue: You encounter errors while loading or saving profiles.


1. Profile Location: Ensure you have the correct directory selected for profile storage in DIView settings.

2. Profile File Corruption: If a profile file becomes corrupted, try creating a new profile and reconfiguring your settings.

3. Permissions: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to write to the selected profile directory.

6. General Tips

- Check for Updates: Regularly check for updates to DIView.

- Support: Email us at support@ghostsimracing.com if your problems persist and we would be happy to get it resolved.

- Backup Profiles: Regularly back up your profile settings in case of software or hardware issues.


For inquiries or support at Ghost Sim Racing, contact us via email, phone, social media, or live chat. Our team is ready to assist you.


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